Taitotalo provides various training and learning alternatives for you to choose from, including
- vocational education and training
- certificates
- labour market training
- Competence and Vocational Skills Mapping (OSKARI)
- YKI courses and tests (see below)
- vocational Finnish courses for companies
Our aim is to help you develop the skills required for an independent life in Finland.
All our courses and trainings are conducted in Finnish.
You can apply for these training programs even with weaker Finnish language skills.
Career guidance
We provide guidance and support when you are wrestling with questions regarding adult education, vocational qualifications and career change. Our information, advisory and counselling services will help you choose your own way forward.
Preparatory education for vocational training (TUVA)
Preparatory education for vocational training (TUVA) provides an opportunity to participate in career planning, improve learning skills, attend practical training at workplaces and improve Finnish language skills. The aim is to discover a suitable occupation and enter a vocational education and training programme. Studies in the preparatory education for vocational training (TUVA) are free.
The studies are self-motivated adult education (not labour policy education). If you are registered as an unemployed jobseeker with the TE Office and/or if you are enrolled in the Local Government pilots (Kuntakokeilu) you can enquire if you are intitled for basic unemployment benefit from Kela. If you do not receive unemployment allowance, you can apply for financial aid for students from Kela.
For more information about TE Office and Local Government pilots.
For more information about Kela’s student grants.
Integration training for immigrants
Integration training for immigrants helps immigrants find their place in the social, academic and working world. The training focuses on the Finnish language, culture and working life competencies and normally forms part of the immigrant’s individual integration plan.
Applicants seeking for integration training should contact the local TE Office or the integration services of their municipality of residence for assistance in finding a suitable training. More information about integration training in TE Office website.
Finnish National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI course and YKI test)
Finnish National Certificate of Language Proficiency (yleinen kielitutkinto, or YKI, in Finnish) offers you an opportunity to prove your language skills. The certificate is open to everyone regardless of where and how you have learnt the language.
The certificate focuses on language use in everyday situations (e.g. reading, writing, listening, speaking).
At Taitotalo, the certificate is offered in 3 different levels of Finnish: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced level. Taitotalo offers a preparatory course for the intermediate level YKI test (B1–B2) for those who already know basic Finnish. This is the level required for the Finnish citizenship application.
Finnish language courses for the world of work
These special courses are offered for companies and their employees. The focus is on the vocabulary and expressions that are used at work in Finland. The work experience element of the course provides an opportunity to learn the Finnish language on the job while gaining practical experience of working in various occupations.
Vocational qualifications
Students with adequate Finnish language skills may enroll on courses leading to a vocational qualification, which include vocational upper secondary qualification, further vocational qualification and specialist vocational qualification (perustutkinto, ammattitutkinto, erikoisammattitutkinto in Finnish). You may also complete individual vocational qualification units. Studies at Taitotalo are planned and delivered in a flexible and practical manner. We tailor your studies according to an individual learning plan, which takes into consideration your current competencies, skills and abilities.
Apprenticeship training
If you already have a job in your chosen field and you wish to increase your professional skills, you and your employer can consider apprenticeship training. In apprenticeship training the student engages in diverse work tasks to gain new and deeper work competencies while receiving a salary, and combines work with studies at Taitotalo. You can complete a full vocational qualification or individual vocational qualification units in apprenticeship training.
How can I finance my studies?
Various options are available for financing studies at Taitotalo. The studies may be financed independently, by student financial aid (Kela), by adult education allowance (Työllisyysrahasto), by businesses or by special projects.